Reclaimed | Woodworks
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Genuine Reclaimed Woods
Original Patina
Suitable for Commercial Spaces
Suitable for Wall and Ceiling Cladding

Reclaimed wood is where our story began, and it continues to be a fundamental part of our extraordinary story to this day.

Our new Reclaimed Collection comprises a selection of products previously found in our show-stopping Bold Surfaces Collection as well as 12 reclaimed pine floors from a variety of fascinating sources, including old growth Pitch Pine rescued from the Horwich Loco Works, constructed by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company in 1886.

Old-growth pine has a much tighter grain than the fast-grown pines and spruce, which generally makes for more robust timber. Combine this with the tremendous character and perfect imperfections of reclaimed wood and it's little wonder these floors are so popular with our discerning customers.

What's more, our Reclaimed Collection can be used creatively 'beyond the floor' for walls, ceilings and joinery.