Bold Surfaces | Woodworks
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Bold Surfaces

Reclaimed and New Woods
Suitable for Commercial Spaces
Wall and Ceiling Cladding
6mm Wear Layer

For a modern organic design choice, look no further than our Bold Surfaces collection.

Created for use as wall and ceiling cladding, these impressive surfaces have been crafted from both sustainably sourced new woods and very special reclaimed timber. Packed with personality and patina, Bold Surfaces add soul and beauty to any space.

Many of these surfaces are created with a solid construction. The ultimate in resilience. Being crafted from a single piece of wood, rather than with an engineered layer beneath the top veneer, these floors can be sanded down a multitude of times throughout the years to restore their original look.

Sculptured into fine cladding, our Bold Surfaces collection adds an understated unorthodox feeling to any commercial or residential project.